
CM increases profit with pre-designed shear blocking panels.

A framer shares how wall panels grew his business.

Remember: when you calculate the fire resistance of component assemblies, you have options!

Homebuilders are shifting their focus, and that’s good news for component manufacturers.

Since FRTW studs are allowed in wall assemblies that are otherwise defined as non-combustible, building and truss designers often confront the question does a joint between the wall and the roof or floor assembly mean that those elements of the building also require noncombustible material, like FRTW? To answer this, we need to study the IBC

This presentation seeks to explain how to correctly apply live loads to the bottom chord of trusses for uninhabitable attics in accordance with IRC Table R301.5 and IBC Table 1607.1 and ASCE 7-10 Table 4-1.

This report focuses on building code requirements for using fire retardant treated wood (FRTW) in floor/ceiling and roof/ceiling assemblies in Type III building construction. 

Innovative thinking and careful construction allowed Truss Craft to give a condemned structure new life.

Corrosion resistance is critical to ensuring connector plates hold up in adverse environments. 

When PDJ Components opened its doors for a plant tour, it was an education for everyone.