President's Message

The SBCA chapter presidents recently discussed the state of SBCA chapters. We have many strong, active chapters with a great deal of participation. We also have chapters that lack consistent participation, which makes chapter leadership a challenge.


The purpose of changing the dues policy is to ensure everyone contributes on a more even footing to the organization.


Roughly 60 years after their inception, roof trusses are well-established in the market, a cornerstone of residential framing. Their natural counterpart, floor trusses, are quite possibly the most misunderstood product offered by our industry.

Fresh into my new adventure of fatherhood (see Parting Shots), I’m reminded of the iconic Beastie Boys song from the mid-80s. While my days of fighting for my right to party are long behind me, my days of fighting for my family are just beginning. My wife Elizabeth experienced some minor complications with her pregnancy that required us to stay multiple days in the hospital. Most everything with the stay went well and according to plan, up until the final day.

Take a moment to appreciate the big picture.

Having a voice and a united group of CMs to drive the industry forward is one of the primary reasons for belonging to our trade association.

Do you ever find yourself watching a commercial, thinking “what the heck are they selling?”

Challenge yourself and your team to look for opportunities for improvement this winter so you can weather many winters to come.

  • Talent will only get you so far; hard work and determination are the keys to success in both sports and business.
  • What are some ways you can work together with your fellow employees to reach your full potential?
  • SBCA provides a great opportunity for CMs to work together to achieve greater goals than if they worked alone.
  • By conducting its own ASTM E119 floor assembly fire testing, SBCA has the data it needs to effectively fight the controversial IRC Section R501.3 code provision and help preserve CMs’ market share.
  • SBCA has drafted template best practice language CMs should consider using in their TDDs, customer contracts and submittal documents to counter the efforts of the lumber industry to shift liability onto end users.
  • Through Framing the American Dream and WorkForce Development efforts, SBCA is actively engaged in helping CMs successfully navigate today’s labor challenges and grow their businesses.