Best Way to Frame Calculator

This calculator is based on construction data collected during the 2015 Framing the American Dream project. The homes in that study had the following specs:

  • 2900 square foot, ranch-style home with unfinished basement
  • Floor system: 16" o.c. 16" deep panelized floor system
  • Low-complexity gable roof

Please note that calculations were made to adjust the FAD walls panels from 24" o.c to 16" o.c and the FAD exterior walls panels from 2x4 to 2x6. Stick-built material assumptions are taken from invoices received from the lumber yard.

This calculator is based on one example and some baseline judgments and assumptions. It does not take into count equipment required at the jobsite to handle materials or components, nor does it include labor/materials for soffits, bulkheads, draft stopping or windows.

Component Package Prices
Conventional Framing
Wall Panels
Conventional Framing
Floor Components
Conventional Framing
Roof Trusses
Item Stick Built Componentized
Total Framer Labor and Material/Component Package Cost ${{ | toWhole }} ${{ | toWhole }}
Material Cost / SQFT ${{ | toCents }} ${{ | toCents }}
Labor Cost / SQFT ${{ | toCents }} ${{ | toCents }}
Component Packages Save You ${{ fad.out.savings.walls + fad.out.savings.roof + fad.out.savings.floors | toCents }}
Item Stick Built Componentized
Exterior Walls {{ fad.out.walls.exterior.conventional | toWhole }} hours {{ fad.out.walls.exterior.components | toWhole }} hours
Interior Walls {{ fad.out.walls.interior.conventional | toWhole }} hours {{ fad.out.walls.interior.components | toWhole }} hours
Exterior Walls BDFT {{ fad.out.walls.exteriorBDFT.conventional | toWhole }} {{ fad.out.walls.exteriorBDFT.components | toWhole }}
Interior Walls BDFT {{ fad.out.walls.interiorBDFT.conventional | toWhole }} {{ fad.out.walls.interiorBDFT.components | toWhole }}
Wall Material ${{ fad.out.walls.material.conventional | toCents }} ${{ fad.out.walls.material.components | toCents }}
Wall Labor ${{ fad.out.walls.labor.conventional | toCents }} ${{ fad.out.walls.labor.components | toCents }}
Wall Panel Package - ${{ fad.out.walls.package.components | toCents }}
Component Packages Save You: ${{ fad.out.savings.walls | toCents }}
Item Stick Built Componentized
Floors {{ fad.out.floors.hours.conventional | toWhole }} hours {{ fad.out.floors.hours.components | toWhole }} hours
Floors BDFT {{ fad.out.floors.bdft.conventional | toWhole }} {{ fad.out.floors.bdft.components | toWhole }}
Floor Material ${{ fad.out.floors.material.conventional | toCents }} ${{ fad.out.floors.material.components | toCents }}
Floor Labor ${{ fad.out.floors.labor.conventional | toCents }} ${{ fad.out.floors.labor.components | toCents }}
Floor Truss Package - ${{ fad.out.floors.package.components | toCents }}
Component Packages Save You: ${{ fad.out.savings.floors | toCents }}
Item Stick Built Componentized
Roof {{ fad.out.roof.hours.conventional | toWhole }} hours {{ fad.out.roof.hours.components | toWhole }} hours
Roof BDFT {{ fad.out.roof.bdft.conventional | toCents }} {{ fad.out.roof.bdft.components | toCents }}
Roof Material ${{ fad.out.roof.material.conventional | toCents }} ${{ fad.out.roof.material.components | toCents }}
Roof Labor ${{ fad.out.roof.labor.conventional | toCents }} ${{ fad.out.roof.labor.components | toCents }}
Roof Truss Package - ${{ fad.out.roof.package.components | toCents }}
Component Packages Save You: ${{ fad.out.savings.roof | toCents }}