Erickson team

Erickson staff, including CEO Rich Gallagher (left) and COO Reed Graham (back row, right of center)

PLTW ribbon-cutting

Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve (center), Reno High teacher Karl Kuhles (right) and his students in the STEM-based Project Lead the Way program, cut the ribbon to open the High Desert Truss and Lumber plant. 

Big C Lumber, Dowagiac, MI

A complex roof with multiple arcing panels provided design challenges both before and during construction.

Taking a finished product from plant to jobsite should be easy, but there can be bumps in the road. Here are a few best practices from two CMs in Wisconsin.

This is the second time in a decade Trussway employees have saved a life on the job.

Drivers will soon need to log their time electronically. Is your delivery crew prepared?

I know first-hand why everyone, from time to time, is hesitant to participate in or speak up at meetings: you’re afraid you’re going to be asked to take something on you’re not ready for or feel you don’t have time to do. Yet I still appeal to you to get engaged in SBCA.

I recently had a conversation with John Holland, head of IT for Clearspan Components, and he pointed out that if there’s one thing the component industry has a lot of, it’s problems